If you are here it’s because you have shown your will to be FANS of REAL MADRID and a Peña recognized by the club has taken the initiative to endorse you


Being a FAN of REAL MADRID is an SPECIAL condition.

Some are Real Madrid socios (members). Others are not. But we all share the condition of being FANS, a distinction from the rest of the public of the stadium due to our commitment with the the team and our effort every instante of the games. Due to this special condition we have an exclusive place in the stadium: GRADA FANS RMCF, our home.

The first feeling of a FAN of REAL MADRID is MADRIDISMO.

There is nothing bigger than Real Madrid. No feelings in the Grada are bigger than our defense of the team and our support in order to help to achieve the victory. In the Grada all our expressions, shouts, songs, banners, clothes express that feeling: our only feeling that gathers all of us. As one of our banners say “UN SOLO SENTIMIENTO: MADRID Y NADA MÁS”: ONLY ONE FEELING: MADRID AND NOTHING ELSE

The other feeling of a FAN of REAL MADRID is PARTNERSHIP 

We are all Grada FANS RMCF. ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE. When in a match one of us is in the Grada we are all partners, above all.

Above the Peña where you belong, a FAN cares about the Grada fulfilling their duties and reach their goals. And a good FAN has no rest until he gets it.

You have to make friends in the Grada. You can not be alone. Creating relations with other people you will make friends with whom you will drink beers before the games or go to away matches and share the experience.

– The first thing is PRESENTING yourself

The first thing you have to do is presenting yourself to coordinators of your sector and your peña.

In our Grada nobody is anonymous. This is not like the rest of the Stadium, but a fellowship with a common goal, so all the people that share it helps to get it if we know each other.

The duty of the GRADA is SUPPORTING

To the GRADA we go to SUPPORT. We don’t watch the game and then support: we first SUPPORT THE TEAM and then watch the game.

Only if all of us are supporting the Grada works at full power, as it is their goal

So each one that is not supporting in betraying the feelings of the fellowship of his partners, using their effort, and is not a FAN and should not be with us. This is not his or her home.


Next content: HOW WE SUPPORT